As being independent property finders and knowing the area in and out, we can help you to find your dream home!
Planning to buy or rent a property in the Sitges / Olivella area?
Speaking your language makes the difference!
As your trusted advisers dealing with the Catalan / Spanish real estate agents, notaries, banks or any other involved parties, there are no worries for you. No fine print, no surprises!
No need to see properties not matching your requests and needs. Avoiding real estate agents that only want to show their whole portfolio. Let us filter the market for you before we start the visitation tours.
Being an API/AICAT certified agency, there are no surprises if you work with us. However, if there is a legal issue we am not familiar with, we'll contact our specialised real estate lawyer. Any other doubts or concerns, we will contact the necessary specialists in appropriate areas
Every Jack has his Jill!
Our big aim is that tenant and landlord or buyer and property are a match and all parties are Happy Expats (truly also Happy Locals) in the end.
Choosing a new home shouldn't be any stress at all, only pleasure.
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